Owner and Renter Affordability has been updated on PolicyMap.
Predominant Race/Ethnicity has been updated on PolicyMap.
The updated Theil Index is now on PolicyMap. The Theil Index measures racial segregation by calculating how evenly people of all races are concentrated across an area based on the racial composition of sub-areas.
HUD’s Multifamily and Public Housing data has been updated to 2023.
CMS Chronic Conditions data update is now live on production. This update adds new data for 2019-2021 and includes two additional indicators (i.e., Alcohol Use Disorder and Drug Use Disorder) that were previously not being displayed.
The BLS Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAU) data has been updated for the months of December 2023 – February 2024 along with the preliminary March data. The annual data has been updated for 2023 (which includes a refresh of all years with BLS final revision on April 19, 2024).
Indicators for CRA Eligibility and Tract Median Family Income (MFI) as a % of Metro Area Median Income which come from FFIEC and are used for the CRA program have been updated in PolicyMap to 2024. This update accounts for the 2022 Connecticut County boundary changes and 2023 Metro Area and Metro Division boundary changes which affect the Tract MFI % calculation.
Census ACS Low Mod has been updated to 2018-2022.
Home sales quarterly data has been updated for 2024, Quarter 1.
The Small Business Administration 7(a) loan data has been updated through 2024 and underwent a huge overhaul. PolicyMap has added nearly a million more loans by increasing our efforts to de-duplicate, expand geocoding, and deep data cleansing.
Retail health clinic locations from Data Axle have been updated on PolicyMap.
CMS Hospital Compare point dataset has been updated in PolicyMap to 2023.
An additional 30+ indicators from the Council on Environmental Quality’s Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) are now live on PolicyMap! The new indicators provide further information on the specific criteria that determines disadvantaged status for each of the eight categories of burden.
The Delta Regional Authority (DRA) Distressed Counties data has been updated to 2023.
The Great Schools data has been updated to 2024. This update includes school locations, test scores, Great Schools rankings, and calculated distance to high-performing schools.
Distressed Area data from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) has been updated to 2024.
We are committed to our promise of curated, cleaned, standardized, and always updated data. We’re posting real-time updates on our website and X (formerly known as Twitter).