Where Elderly Americans Struggle to Find Affordable Housing
As home prices surge and rents increase, growing parts of the country have become unaffordable for renters. Cities around the country are devising new strategies to create more affordable housing opportunities to combat the escalating housing crisis and rising homelessness among seniors. Current data shows us why.
Identify Disadvantaged Communities with Indicators from CEJST
New indicators from the Council on Environmental Quality’s Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) help organizations identify disadvantaged communities that face burdens across eight categories: climate change, energy, health, housing, legacy pollution, transportation, water and wastewater, and workforce development.
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Improve Health Equity with Social Determinants of Health Data
We’ve simplified the collection of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) data through a comprehensive database of the non-medical factors influencing health outcomes and risks.
Interoperable and standardized, the collection includes indicators for Life Expectancy and Mortality, Health and Healthcare Landscape, Infrastructure and Built Environment, Community and Social Context, Food and Nutrition, Education, Healthy Assets and Opportunities, Financial Stability, and Environmental Hazards.
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Maricopa County Department of Public Health
To conduct Community Health Assessments (CHAs), the Maricopa County Department of Public Health uses PolicyMap’s neighborhood-level data and stunning visualizations to develop action plans, supplement patient-level data, create community profiles, and communicate results.
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Apple Tree Dental
Apple Tree Dental, a healthcare nonprofit dedicated to oral health equity, is on a mission to remove barriers to oral health including transforming health care policy. PolicyMap makes it possible for their team to better identify disparities and present necessary data for legislative change.
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Graduation Rate data has been updated through 2021. This dataset has graduation rates by different cohorts.
Adult and infant mortality data from CDC is now updated to 2021.
The Capital Magnet Fund (CMF) data from the CDFI Fund has been updated to 2024.
The Census 2018-2022 ACS data covering an extensive variety of demographic, economic, housing, education, and health data is now available.
We are committed to our promise of curated, cleaned, standardized, and always updated data. We’re posting real-time updates on our website and X (formerly known as Twitter).
Published Research
Explore scholarly works from students and researchers using PolicyMap.
Cultural context index: A geospatial measure of social determinants of health in the United States published by the National Library of Medicine
We’re hiring!
PolicyMap is growing. We have a NEW! opening for a Data Analyst. Apply today.
Open PolicyMap Training Sessions
Offered twice a week. Register here.
Level 1: Learning the basics of PolicyMap Level 2: Learn the Data Loader, Multi-Layer Maps, and other Advanced Features
Open to non-subscribers. Course times rotate weekly. Don’t see a time that works for you?
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The RISE Summit on Social Determinants of Health
April 15-17, 2024
New Orleans, LA
PolicyMap is excited to share our SDOH Data Collection at the RISE Summit on Social Determinants of Health. The summit attracts cross-sectional thought leaders with opportunities to discuss actionable, tactical, and scalable solutions to SDOH challenges and achieve better outcomes for the most vulnerable populations.
We hope to see you there!