A Closer Look: Single-Sex Census Tracts II

Last time, we looked at the views of prisons that make up the most predominantly male census tracts. This time, we’ll look at some of the most female census tracts. As you may recall from the top 10 post on the subject, there are some prominent women’s prisons, such as the Danbury Federal Correctional Institute:
However, the top female census tracts also have some of the country’s prominent women’s colleges.
Census Tract | County, State | Estimated percent of all people who are women |
560900 | Wayne, MI | 100% |
110200 | Cayahoga, OH | 99.21% |
211100 | Fairfield, CT | 99.15% |
821200 | Hampshire, MA | 95.5% |
822000 | Hampshire, MA | 95.48% |
103602 | Oklahoma, OK | 91.54% |
022500 | Philadelphia, PA | 85.3% |
006803 | Honolulu, HI | 85% |
000100 | Calhoun, MI | 83.33% |
011798 | Honolulu, HI | 80% |
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Hampshire, MA
Smith College, Northampton, Hampshire County, MA