Sample Exercises
Use these sample assignments and exercises in your class to help familiarize your students with data and mapping. The assignments are provided as editable .docx files, so you can modify them however best fits your class.
Introduction to Data and Mapping – Assignment with instructions on the basic functions of mapping and data literacy.
Social Work
Spatially Assessing Vulnerability and Increasing Resiliency – The goal of the assignment is to learn to identify populations at risk during natural disasters, choose data indicators to find people facing vulnerability, develop categories of risks based on federally designated standards, and propose recommendations based on that information.
Urban Planning, Public Policy/Administration
Disaster Preparedness: Developing Data-Driven Interventions for Vulnerable Populations – The goal of the assignment is to learn to identify at-risk populations facing a pending natural disaster or severe weather event, choose data indicators to find people facing vulnerability, use tools to visualize the risk, and develop recommendations based on that information.
Business/Real Estate
Using Opportunity Zone Tax Incentives Effectively – The goal of the assignment is to look at a city’s assets and challenges and create a specific plan to market Opportunity Zone projects to local, regional, and national investors.
Share your work with us!
Have you used PolicyMap in an assignment, paper, syllabus, or anything else at school? Contact us.