Q3 2013 NSP Investment Cluster (NIC) Reports
The NSP Investment Clusters (NIC) Reports are provided through a joint effort between PolicyMap and The Reinvestment Fund’s Policy Solutions.
Q3 2013 NSP Investment Cluster (NIC) Reports Now Available
HUD is pleased to announce that Q3 2013 NSP Investment Cluster (NIC) Reports are now available on the OneCPD Resource Exchange.
The NIC study analyzes how markets treated with a concentration of NSP investment have changed over time compared to similar markets that have only minimally or not been touched by NSP. These findings are then displayed in a series of maps and reports at the cluster level and at the grantee level. These tools can assist grantees and HUD in understanding how markets in which they are investing are changing over time, and how certain types of investment might affect NSP target areas.
A summary of nationwide NIC performance and the methodology used to generate the reports is also available