Purged Federal Agency Data Available on PolicyMap

On Friday, numerous essential datasets were purged from federal agency websites, including data from CDC PLACES (Population Level Analysis and Community Estimates), the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI), and the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST)—to name just a few. While we don’t know when or if this data will return, we want to assure you that they are still accessible on our platform.
At PolicyMap, we are committed to providing uninterrupted access to the critical data you rely on. We proactively collect and preserve the most recent datasets from federal sources, ensuring they are integrated into our platform. Historic periods are maintained and available as well.
Data that was recently removed by the federal government is and will always be, available in PolicyMap.

We are also continuously monitoring developments and will provide updates as needed. To stay informed about this and other data-related news, please sign up for our newsletter to stay informed or contact us to learn more.