Lead Exposure Risk in Your Neighborhood
Nearly a decade after the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, lead contamination remains a nationwide issue. To help concerned residents, public health officials, and local organizations identify neighborhoods that might be at a higher risk of exposure to lead, we added an up-to-date Lead Exposure Risk Index to show estimated exposure at the census tract level.
Discover What’s New: Map Extent, Citation Generator, and Enhanced Data Loader
We’re excited to share new features launched by our talented technology team: Map Extent capabilities, a Citation Generator, and an upgrade to our Data Loader (coming soon!).
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Updated Congressional Districts and State Legislative Boundaries
The Congressional Districts for the 118th Congress and the 2023 State Legislative Boundaries are now LIVE on PolicyMap. Districts were redrawn as a result of population shifts reported in the 2020 Census.
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Lead risk data has been updated on PolicyMap to 2016-2020. A “high” risk indicates that a given census tract has a higher-than-average concentration of older homes, a higher-than average poverty rate, or both. This data is available to all users, and can be accessed in the Housing menu, under Residential Buildings and Quality, or the Health menu, under Risk Factors.
The diversity index and predominant race data have been updated on PolicyMap to use the latest 2017-2021 ACS data. This data is available to all users and can be found in the Demographics menu under Race, Ethnicity, Diversity > Diversity. Predominant race is available with and without Hispanic ethnicity and with and without predominant groups that are less than 50% of the total population. The diversity index shows the probability that two individuals chosen at random would be of different races or ethnicities – lower index values between 0 and 20 suggest more homogeneity and higher index values above 50 suggest more heterogeneity.
We are committed to our promise of curated, cleaned, standardized, and always updated data. We’re posting real-time updates on our website and Twitter.
Open PolicyMap Training Sessions
Offered twice a week. Register here.
Level 1: Learning the basics of PolicyMap
Level 2: Learn the Data Loader, Multi-Layer Maps, and other Advanced Features
Open to non-subscribers. Course times rotate weekly. Don’t see a time that works for you?
Contact us.
Join us!
ER&L’s 18th Annual Conference
March 5 – 8, 2023
Austin, TX
PolicyMap is excited to return in person to to the annual conference hosted by Electronic Resources and Libraries. Join us and explore the latest trends, technologies, e-resource management, and digital services in libraries. Learn more.
ACJS 60th Annual Meeting
March 14 – 18, 2023
National Harbor, MD
PolicyMap’s Senior Data Services Analyst, Researcher and CED Specialist Dr. Jazmyne McNeese, and Web Developer and UX Design and Accessibility Expert Helene Speer, join Drexel University’s Associate Teaching Professor and Director of Justice Studies Dr. Cyndi Reed Rickards to host a Community Justice Workshop at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences’s Annual Meeting.
Find more information here.
ACRL 2023
March 15 – 17, 2023
Pittsburgh, PA
Association of College and Research Libraries’ Annual Conference offers PolicyMap the chance to connect connect with academic and research library professionals. Additional event information here.
ViVE 2023
March 26 – 29, 2023
Nashville, TN
We’re thrilled to be at ViVE for the first time. Stop by our booth to learn how PolicyMap can help health and technology leaders improve outcomes, reduce inequalities, and optimize costs. Join us at ViVE.
2023 Medicaid Managed Care Summit
March 30-31, 2023
Nashville, TN
The summit provides the opportunity to connect with Medicaid leaders from states and health plans, as well as government leaders and policymakers. Visit our booth to learn how our data can help ensure equitable access to care, improve outcomes, and lower costs. Register to attend here.