In this update:
- 30-Day free trial
- CNET Awards
- Public Transit Rail
- Rankings Function
- Data Downloading
- Updated Data
Visit our Blog
Did you know? You can overlay geographic boundaries like zip codes, census tracts, or block groups. Click “Map Options” on the bottom right of the map. This will open a panel with boundary choices. Your zoom level will determine which boundaries are available to overlay. Learn more in our series: Did you know.
Take a moment to vote for PolicyMap for the CNET Awards and explore new functionality. Not a subscriber? Sign up for a 30-day free trial! (Click Here)
If you haven’t heard, PolicyMap has been nominated by CNET as one of the top Webware sites in 2009. Help us win one of the top 100 spots by voting for us now. Just click the button to submit your vote.
Rank data by any geography. Subscribers can now see where a geography ranks for any variable and print the list. Explore Rankings in the Tables page in PolicyMap. Enter a location, add a data layer, and click “See Rankings”.
Data Downloading now available! Subscribers can now
download data through PolicyMap. Downloading is available on the Tables page. Select a place, add a data layer, and click “See Values”. You’ll see the option to either print or download the values to a csv file for Excel. Read more on about Data Downloading here.
Custom Region Reporting is now easier then ever. Pull up a saved custom region or create a new one, then click on the orange icon. You’ll see the opportunity to go directly to a table or a report.
For more on how to use any of these new functions, visit our blog. Or sign up for one of our online tutorials. Check out the new Help button at the top the map.
Map Options:
Public Transit Rail Lines and Stops now in PolicyMap. Subscribers can now add public transit rail lines for most metro areas to their maps, see the actual lines, and click on transit stops for more information. Transit lines are from Urban Mapping and allow you to see each stop, and if a stop is accessible, has parking, and more. To overlay these transit lines on a map, select Map Options at the bottom of the map and check off “Public Transit Rail Lines”. Coverage: Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington DC, and many other cities
Public Data:
Updated prenatal care and pregnancy data from the CDC. Now available for 2000 to 2006.
Postal Service Vacancy data is now available quarterly on PolicyMap and updated through December 2008.
Updated cultural vitality indicators from the Urban Institute – now available at the metro level.
Updated HUD multifamily sites – the new list has greater coverage and more information about each site. Find these in the Add Sites menu under Federal Housing.
New HMDA Calculations from the FRB of Philadelphia:
As you know, subscribers have the ability to either keep their data password protected or make it available to the public. Thanks to a new subscriber, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, asked us to run some unique calculations of HMDA data, those calculations are now available to the public in the Mortgage Originations tab under Add Data Layer.
Later this Month…
Want to overlay three data layers on the same map? Coming soon, we’ll be releasing the new Analytics feature.