May 20 PDI: Good Data Drives Good Decision-Making

Are you a planner or someone interested in utilizing data and want to learn how organizations are leveraging the 2010 Census and ACS data to better understand communities? Come see PolicyMap’s director, Maggie McCullough, along with the Wells Fargo Regional Foundation Sr VP & Evaluation Officer, Lois Greco speak at the PDI event on Friday May 20th.

Friday, May 20, 2011
Time: 8:30am to 12 pm (Registration at 8:30; session begins at 8:45)
Credits*: 3 CM (*anticipated)

The May 20th PDI event Good Data Drives Good Decision-Making: Leveraging 2010 Census Data and Beyond will provide an overview of data useful to planning and updates on changes in the 2010 Census. The session focuses on incorporating data into neighborhood planning, best practices in incorporating data into the planning process, and provides an overview of available resources. The session will conclude with a 1-hour workshop on how to access the data sources planners need.

This event brings together experts in data with seasoned planners who can speak to the challenges of incorporating good data into planning practice. Participants will hear from one of leaders in data driven planning in the region and the challenges faced in incorporating data into the neighborhood planning environment. Attendees will also learn about the current regional socio-economic and real estate trends and about the data resources available to them in neighborhood and regional planning. The session will end with a workshop giving attendees first-hand practice in gathering data resources and the ability to have all their questions asked about changes from the 2010 Census and the American Community Survey.

Click here to register!

The following speakers will present at the session:

Lois Greco, Senior Vice President & Evaluation Officer, Wells Fargo Regional Foundation
Maggie McCullough, Director, PolicyMap

A light breakfast will be served
Cost: $20 members, $30 for non-members
Where: Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
190 N. Independence Mall West, 8th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Registration deadline: May 17, 2011
To register for the session, click here!

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