LEHD Data on Workers Updated on PolicyMap
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The Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) data from the Census is now updated on PolicyMap to include data for 2014. This dataset makes up a bulk of what’s in PolicyMap’s Economy data menu. Going down to the block group, it includes five categories of data on workers and businesses:
- Firm age and size (What percent of jobs in an area are at startups?)
- Job sectors (What percent of jobs are in manufacturing?)
- Non-primary employment (Where do people live who have multiple jobs?)
- Worker characteristics, by place of employment (Where are pockets of low-paying jobs?)
- Worker characteristics, by place of residence (Where do highly educated workers live?)
In addition to the new year of data, all the data has been given the following updates:
- Data is now available for Massachusetts going back to 2011, and Kansas for all years. Not all states participate in the LEHD program every year, and Massachusetts has been a notable omission from LEHD data until now. (Wyoming is not included in 2014 data.)
- Data is now available at the Zip Code Tabulation Area level for all years (replacing data at the Zip Code level), for more accurate, official numbers than were previously available from our estimated Zip Code data.
- The metadata has been enhanced, with more explanation and clarity for certain indicators.
This data is available to all PolicyMap users, and is accessible throughout the Economy menu. We’ll have more on LEHD here in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.