Help… (Address & City Formatting)
If you are having problems finding an address on PolicyMap, here are some suggestions.
For our example, we will use:
718 Arch Street, Suite 300N, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
Here are suggested ways you could enter the address
- 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106
- 718 Arch Street 19106
- 718 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA
- 718 Arch St, 19106
Finally, we recommend the following points when searching for an address:
- If you have a zip code for an address; always use it in the search
- Do not include apartment, suite, or floor information
- State names can always be abbreviated
- Streets, avenues, boulevards, etc should also be abbreviated
- If you are searching for a city or county, make sure you add the state and do not abbreviate the city name.
- e.g. Philadelphia, PA
If you are having problems finding city on PolicyMap, here are some suggestions.
- Some cities in an address will not match the zip code. Search with just the address and zip code to find what the city its
- e.g. Silver Springs, MD 20910 is recognized as Unincorporated Montgomery County, MD
- Search without the city designation
- e.g. Pueblo City, Co should be Pueblo, CO