Limited Supermarket Access (LSA) Analysis from Reinvestment Fund
For over a decade, Reinvestment Fund’s Limited Supermarket Access (LSA) Analysis has guided strategic decision-making to increase access to fresh foods for residents living in places with inadequate and inequitable access to grocery stores. Using the data, community stakeholders can identify underserved locations, estimate demand, and plan appropriate interventions. Reinvestment Fund’s LSA analysis is accepted by the CDFI Fund as eligibility criteria for federally-funded healthy food lending and is available for all users on PolicyMap.
Where do people impacted by SNAP work requirements live?
Last summer, new work requirements were implemented for SNAP recipients aged 49 to 54. Some researchers estimate that the change in the age requirements for food assistance could impact approximately 750,000 adults across the U.S. Can data help us figure out where most of the people who have been impacted by the work requirement live?
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Food Insecurity In Rural America [WEBINAR]
PolicyMap’s Kristin Crandall joins The SelfMade Health Network’s series on Expanding Community-Clinical Linkages to Improve Health Outcomes Among Low-Income Populations Nationwide.
Fast-forward 60 minutes to view PolicyMap’s segment of the webinar, illustrating how a rural Tennessee food bank uplifts its community and identifies partners.
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Improve Health Equity with Social Determinants of Health Data
We’ve simplified the collection of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) data through a comprehensive database of the non-medical factors influencing health outcomes and risks.
Interoperable and standardized, the collection includes indicators for Life Expectancy and Mortality, Health and Healthcare Landscape, Infrastructure and Built Environment, Community and Social Context, Food and Nutrition, Education, Healthy Assets and Opportunities, Financial Stability, and Environmental Hazards.
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Feeding America
PolicyMap’s intuitive mapping platform and extensive data warehouse helps Feeding America’s community-based partners assess assets, identify service gaps, and plan strategically.
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Quarterly and annual home sales data have been updated to 2023.
The BLS Local Area Unemployment monthly data is now updated to December 2023.
The CDFI Fund Bank Enterprise Award (BEA) Distressed Communities data has been updated to 2023 and now uses 2016-2020 ACS data.
The CDFI Fund Persistent Poverty Counties data has been updated to 2023 and now includes 2016-2020 ACS data.
The IRS Statistics of Income annual Migration data is now updated to 2020.
New Census American Community Survey (ACS) indicators are now available for all users in the Demographics, Housing, Economy, and Education menu.
Medicare data from CMS has been updated to 2021
Users may now download the FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer combined with point data. The output shows the flood designation for the lat/lon of each point– high risk, moderate risk, minimal risk, or undetermined risk. For high risk areas, it further shows the FEMA designation for the location, specifically A, A99, AE, AH, AO, V, and VE.
We are committed to our promise of curated, cleaned, standardized, and always updated data. We’re posting real-time updates on our website and X (formerly known as Twitter).
Published Research
Explore scholarly works from students and researchers using PolicyMap.
County-level factors associated with a mismatch between opioid overdose mortality and availability of opioid treatment facilities published by PLOS ONE
We’re hiring!
PolicyMap is growing. We have an opening for a Data Engineer. Apply today.
Open PolicyMap Training Sessions
Offered twice a week. Register here.
Level 1: Learning the basics of PolicyMap Level 2: Learn the Data Loader, Multi-Layer Maps, and other Advanced Features
Open to non-subscribers. Course times rotate weekly. Don’t see a time that works for you?
Contact us.
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