Head Start Centers

As families around the country are getting ready for a new school year, information about school educational resources can prove very helpful. As many of our users know, PolicyMap, is a rich source for both thematic and point-level education data. Adding to the secondary school performance data already on PolicyMap, we have recently added the locations of Head Start Centers throughout the United States, including Puerto Rico. Head Start is the federally funded program that supports school readiness for children from birth to 5 years old from low income households.
This dataset can be found in the Schools and Libraries tab to the left of the map in the Add Sites section. The user is able to sort the data by three categories of Head Start Centers: Head Start, Early Head Start and Migrant or Seasonal Head Start. Keep in mind that a given center can fall into one or more categories. Along with this information, PolicyMap users are able to access additional information when they click on a point, including the federally designated region the Head Start location is in as well as the name and location of the grantee dispensing the federal funds to the center.
Below you can see the kind of information available.
We hope users find this new data to be very helpful information for understanding the Head Start system and how the federal funding for it is dispersed. We are happy to answer any questions you have, so please don’t hesitate to contact us at pmap@policymap.com.