Find Bank Branches from the FDIC

New! Bank Branches from the FDIC

Visualize the location of bank branches across the nation, overlay them on top of market indicators like income, households, racial composition and more. Learn about each bank’s assets and total deposits and see how bank branch locations compare from one part of the country to another. This public dataset is now available on PolicyMap under the Add Sites menu for free

New! Infectious Diseases from the CDC

Check out county-level data from the CDC on a variety of infectious diseases. This data is available for all years between 2000 and 2010 and allows you to track how the rates of different diseases have changed over the last 10 years. This is public data that can be found in the Data Layer menu under the Health tab.

Updated! Home Sale Data

Turn to PolicyMap for data on home sale trends – at the block group level, census tract, zip code and more – from 2006 through 2011. Create thematic maps or trend charts to better understand how both the median home sale price and sales volume are changing in the markets you care about. Look for the first quarter of 2012 soon! (This data comes from actual home sales recorded by county offices and lags by 6 months as a result.) Read more

Project Spotlight

Delaware State Housing Authority Launches Interactive Maps for Rebuilding Our Communities (ROC) Homebuyer Program

Delaware’s ROC program provides downpayment and closing cost assistance loans to help homebuyers purchasing a foreclosed or abandoned home in qualified census tracts. So that homebuyers and realtors can easily identify whether or not a home sits within ones of these eligible tracts, Delaware launched a PolicyMap widget on their site which allows a visitor to their website to enter a specific address and see if it qualifies. The use of the widget allows the Housing Authority to focus on the what – not the how – of getting data rich interactive maps to their website. Click here to view the widget.

October Data Updates
A number of updated datasets such as monthly unemployment, obesity and bank closures are now available for your use in PolicyMap. Others include:

  • People without Health Insurance – Every year, the US Census releases its Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) which give an idea of where in the country people are most uninsured. We’ve just updated PolicyMap with the latest from Census, giving you access to this data from 2005 through 2010. See which areas of the country have the highest concentrations of uninsured people and where trends are changing most dramatically
  • Employment Data by Industry from County Business Patterns for 2010 – See where jobs are concentrated by industry for the entire nation. With annual data for 2003 through 2010 now in PolicyMap, you can also see how industry concentrations are changing.

To learn more about any of the datasets available in PolicyMap, visit our Data Directory or stay connected through our blog. Need something you don’t see? Just let us know!

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