CHPC Mapping Tool for Preservation Advocates

This month, CHPC is excited to launch an interactive and easy-to-use mapping tool that allows users to map California’s affordable housing subsidized through the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA), the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC) and Public Housing. The tool is a practical resource for local governments, housing authorities, and interested nonprofit and community organizations, bringing together property-level information with useful data on poverty, renter cost burdens, and distance to mass transit. In addition to the CHPC Mapping Tool, CHPC’s Preservation Clearinghouse will continue to serve as the state’s most comprehensive source of information on California’s federally subsidized affordable housing at risk of market-rate conversion.

To request a more detailed analysis of at-risk housing in your region or to learn more about CHPC’s Preservation Clearinghouse, please contact Nadia Shihab, Housing Preservation Specialist, at (415) 433-6804 ext. 316, or

To get started with the CHPC Mapping Tool, click here

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