The Reinvestment Fund Launches Invest Health Initiative


Here at PolicyMap we are proud to announce The Reinvestment Fund’s, new initiative: Invest Health. A partnership of The Reinvestment Fund and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), Invest Health seeks to fundamentally change the way cities improve opportunities for their citizens to live healthy lives.

Leadership teams representing up to 50 mid-sized cities (cities with populations between 50,000 and 400,000) will be chosen to collaborate on ways to align people, strategies and capital to improve the factors that drive health in low-income neighborhoods—from a scarcity of quality jobs, affordable housing and nutritious food, to high crime rates and unhealthy environmental conditions. Selected teams will receive a grant award of up to $60,000 toward participation in the initiative.

Cities interested in participating in Invest Health can now submit a Letter of Intent online at  Letters of Intent are due by January 29, 2016. More information about the initiative, including the call for proposals, FAQ and a list of eligible cities is available at