Tons of New and Updated Data on PolicyMap!

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All the data you need. All in one place. All online. | October 2010
PolicyMap is committed to adding new data, while keeping the application simple. As a result, you’ll see a more organized Data Layer Menu at the top of the map and two new buttons under the Add Sites Menu – allowing you to find the data you need quickly!

New and updated data now on PolicyMap includes:

  • Nielsen (formerly Claritas, Inc.) for 2010 and 2015: Current demographic estimates and 5 year projections allow you to compare how a variety of demographic and economic indicators are estimated to have changed since the 2000 Census. With this release, you’ll find additional Census variables from 2000 including more age categories and data on how people get to work. Check out our blog for more detail on what’s available in this release.

This proprietary data is only available to subscribers. Explore becoming a subscriber with a 7-day free trial.

  • Public Housing and Multifamily Sites from HUD: You’ll find updated address level information for public housing and multifamily developments as reported by HUD. Basic information including name, location and number of units in each building – as well as more interesting facts like the percentage of tenants that have a disability and the REAC score are all available.

Click on Federal Housing in the Add Sites menu, and select HUD Multifamily or HUD Public Housing. This is public data so it is free on PolicyMap.

  • Employment by Industry from County Business Patterns for 2008: See where jobs are concentrated by industry for the entire nation. With annual data for 2003 through 2008 now in PolicyMap, you can also see how industry concentrations are changing. Read more on our blog.
Powered by, an online mapping tool and data warehouse.

Select any industry under Industry Concentrations in the Jobs and Economy tab. As this is public data, it is free on PolicyMap.

  • Median Family Income as a Percent of Area Median Income, by Tract, for 2010: PolicyMap now offers those working with Community Reinvestment Act guidelines a single place to see eligible CRA tracts across the nation. We have also calculated the median family income as a percent of area median income for 2010 for every tract. It’s a key calculation requested by many of our finance and regulatory users. More about this calculation and how it was performed is available in our data directory.

This data is available under the new Federal Guidelines tab as CRA Eligibility. As this is public data, it is free on PolicyMap.

  • Fair Market Rents for 2011: Check out Fair Market Rents (FMRs) by bedroom size from HUD for 2011 (as well as historical rents back through 2008). A description of how HUD calculates these rents can be found in our data directory.

This data is available under the Owners and Renters tab, Fair Market Rents. As this is public data, it is free on PolicyMap.

  • CDBG Allocations for 2009 and 2010: HUD makes Community Development Block Grants to states and entitlement communities every year. These entitlement communities and the amounts allocated in 2009 and 2010 are now available in PolicyMap.

This data is available under the new Federal Guidelines tab. Just click on Federal Block Grant Allocations. As this is public data, it is free on PolicyMap.

You’ll also find the usual monthly data updates in PolicyMap including the latest unemployment numbers and building permits from BLS; and foreclosure filings for the City of Chicago.

Client Highlight:

The National Association of Realtors and its RPR (Realtors Property Resource) team is using PolicyMap’s Data API to bring neighborhood level data to its new website! Data updates made in PolicyMap are simultaneously available through our API, meaning their site always has the most current data. If you’d like more information on how to use our API or learn more about what data is available through it, just contact us at or (866) 923-MAPS.

Coming Soon!

And, finally, it is with great anticipation that we look forward to bringing you PolicyMap 3.0 in November. You’ll see a host of improvements to the site which we are excited to share. We will be launching the first phase of a data loader so you can publish address level data to the site on your own, sharing it as you choose. Stay tuned!

Visit our blog to see a clip of Dan Rather using PolicyMap!

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