3-Layer Maps – Download Points
As stated in the 3-Layer Maps tutorial, the Download Points List function will generate a list of addresses which only fall on a geography identified by the criteria set in the analytic. The list will display all the data available for the address dataset. Users can utilize this feature to query address locations against any geography a data layer(s) in PolicyMap.
For example, if you have a portfolio of investment addresses and you want to know which addresses are located in a qualified census tract for the CDFI Fund New Markets Tax Credit program. First you want to use the Data Loader to upload your list of addresses.
- Go to 3-Layer Maps from the upper left. Once on the page, use the search bar to center the map to a given area. Even though, the map is centered on one location, the query is being processed for the entire nation.
- Select Federal Guidelines > CDFI Fund NMTC: Eligible Tracts > Eligibility Status: Eligible Tracts to add the data layer.
- Because the NMTC data layer is a check-box option in the legend, simply uncheck the Not Eligible box and now the map will ONLY show census tracts which are eligible in purple.
- Now add the dataset which you have uploaded using the Data Loader. This will be located on the left of map beneath the Analytics legends.
- Finally, select Download Points List from the menu at the bottom of the map. This will open a popup window. Give your list a unique name by selecting the “change name“, then (if you have multiple datasets loaded from the Add Sites menu) select the point set to download, and select which state to query.
This will generate a list of only addresses which sit on a census tract that is eligible for the NMTC program.
Users can also query addresses from datasets already loaded by PolicyMap. Let’s say you are working under the Affordable Care Act and are looking for Community Health Centers (FQHCs) located in counties with a high percentage of teenagers without insurance AND in Medically Underserved Areas.
- Again, start by selecting 3-Layer Maps from the upper left. Once on the page, use the search bar to center the map to a given area.
- In the data menu, select Health > Health Facilities: Community Health Centers (FQHCs). This will display all Community Health Centers across the nation.
Now, add the first criteria of data from the data menu; select Health > Uninsured Population: By Age > Uninsured Population By Age: Less than 19 years old. This will show the full range of value for all counties, so let’s change the minimum percentage from 1.5% to 15%, so the map will only show counties which have at least 15% of people under the age of 19 without health insurance.
- At the national level, it’s hard to see some of these Community Health Centers, so let’s use search bar and zoom into a city. We’ll go to Miami-Dade County in Florida for this example.
- This will zoom the maps to the municipality of Dallas. Now add the second criteria; Federal Guidelines > CDFI Fund New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC): Severely Distressed – Secondary Criteria > Severely Distressed (Secondary) Criteria: Medically Underserved Areas.
- * Depending on your browser, you might see a message which asks you to zoom into the map by one zoom level, so select the “plus sign” in the zoom bar on the left of the map until the message disappears.
- Once the map is visible again, uncheck the “Not an MUA.MUP” box in the legend for Medically Underserved Areas (MUA). This will not show only census tracts which are in Medically Underserved Areas AND in a county with at least 15% of people under the age of 19 without health insurance.
- Finally, select the download icon and choose Download Points. This will give the option to create a custom name for the query, (if you have multiple datasets loaded from the data menus) selecting which point set to download, and select which state to query.
- * The Download Points function will only query one (1) state at a time.
Based on our analytic, this will generate a list of only Community Health Centers which sit on a census tract that is considered a Medially Underserved Area AND in a county with a relatively high population of teenagers without health insurance. The list will display all the data associated to the Community Health Center (FQHC) dataset.
Each example is a unique way to combine the spatial querying feature of the Analytics tool with the ability to download that data. The data layers used in the examples will be completely different for your needs. We hope our users experiment with other datasets and geographies.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at pmap@policymap.com or call us at (866)923-MAPS.